Wednesday 13 April 2011

Life In General- Quitting Jobs

Today I couldn`t think of anything else but about quitting my latest job. Yes, here we go again! The funny thing is I just read an article a while ago about a wife complaining about her husband who cannot stick to a job. She`s had her career for 14 years and is HAPPY (which we all know 90 or maybe 80% of our folks hate or dislike or maybe doesn`t like what they do) what she`s doing, well good for her. She then feels sorry for her hubby who`s done and held a lot of jobs: architecture, personal trainer you name it. Well, I can completely sympathize with this dude as I was also anywhere from an au-pair, Immigration legal assistant, daycare worker, waiter, ESL teacher, travel agent and now a Loss Prevention Officer, which I`m just about to quit. The thing is I`m one of those who if not happy with what I`m doing, I`ve gotta move and "quit". If I don`t feel happy and fulfilled with my job I step away and do something usually totally different. Yes, it`s really hard to stick to your job when  you hate it and sometimes what you want to do won`t work out either because the road that leads to it is LONG and whiny and/or because when you get to your destination (job) you get disappointed and don`t like it, it`s not what you`ve imagined it`d be like, yes, that was usually my sour reality a lot of times. About two years ago, when I had my son, I thought I`d found my call: being a police officer. I didn`t have a driver`s licence so I had to work towards it and now finally when I could go and write the test, I am kind of hesitating to go ahead with the application. Don`t take me wrong, I`d love to do the job (even if it is not the US) get those bad A** people off the streets and making sure my neighbors, streets are safe! I was going to specialize in child abuse. Along with the call to be a police officer I`ve also found my other cause/call and that is to help children. So now I`m at a crosswalk, where I`m sighing and thinking which direction to take. I really have to contemplate about being an officer, I can`t just quit even though people do it all the time. Going through all the tough hiring process then DEPOT then quit?! You`d be a fool to do that! Don`t even start then. Anyway, my point is that it is OKAY to try different things in life, it`ll give you more tools in life to fix it and live it in a more colorful way. I have options and different doors to reach to and knock on. All what I have done and positons I have held made me who I am today: a colorful parrot, with lots of skills and experience. I know I`m 35 and I`m still just taking a course to be a fitness instructor (I`ve been teaching kickboxing and was always fitness inclined) on the weekend, but at least I`m not stuck in what I hate doing. That was my point and thought of the day, enjoy:)